02 Feb

When planning a function, you're trying to find one of the best Function Venues Brisbane for your guests. You want to provide a great night of fun and entertainment for all of your guests, but there are many factors to consider. 

In this article, we'll look at five things you should think about when choosing a function venue: location, maximum capacity, amenities and entertainment (A/E), ambience and lastly price point.


Location is the first and most important thing to consider when choosing a function room Adelaide. It’s imperative that the space you choose is convenient for customers, staff and suppliers as well as partners. 

If your event takes place in a remote area or on a public road then it will be difficult for people to get there – so make sure that your chosen location has transport links such as parking, toilets and even access from public transport (if needed).

Maximum Capacity 

One of the most important things to consider when choosing a Function Venues Brisbane is how many people can fit in it at once. 

You’re looking for a place that has enough space for your event and will be able to accommodate all guests who attend. If you have 200 people coming, but only 100 seats available, then you may need another venue or two (or more) if you want everyone to be seated together.

The best way to find out how many people can fit in your chosen function space is by checking out their seating capacity online before making any final decisions about which locations would work best for your needs.

Amenities and Entertainment 

Amenities and entertainment are important, as they provide a function room Adelaide with the ability to entice guests and make them feel welcome.

What are the amenities? Here's a list of some common amenities:

  • Indoor/outdoor spaces (e.g., large gathering areas)
  • A swimming pool or hot tub (for example, in case you're looking for entertainment options)
  • A dance floor or stage area where events can occur during your event date(s)
  • Food options such as catering services or caterers on site at no additional cost!


Ambience is essential for setting the tone of any event. Whether it's a party, seminar, team-building experience, or conference, your venue should create the right atmosphere for you and your co-workers. 

There are numerous installations to consider, ranging from the architecture of the space to lighting, colours, and furniture. 

If you want to host a team-building event, choose a location that can easily accommodate group activities while also holding enough chairs and tables. Find a location that inspires and exudes positivity for award ceremonies.


There are many factors to consider when choosing a Function Venues Brisbane. We have listed some of the most important in this article, but if you would like more information about how to find your perfect location or book it today then get in touch with us! 

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